Progress Blog #8

Today, my groupmate Valerid and I finally finished our final task. While it has been an extensive and difficult journey, we are pleased with what we have produced. Over the past few days, we have worked diligently at editing the video and ensuring it’s time efficiency, doing sound checks, and designating all credit where it’s due. While the filming process had a few discrepancies, Valerid and I were able to produce a task we are proud of. My favorite part of this entire process has most definitely been editing our footage. Editing, to me, is very relaxing and allows me to focus very well. I have to be meticulous when I edit, but, it is essentially worth it. Our final task is complete, and now Valerid and I will be completing our Critical Reflection Questions over the next few days.

Progress Blog #7

Over the course of last week, my groupmate Valerid and I have filmed and nearly completed our video. Valerid and I are currently in the process of editing our video and using iMovie. iMovie is a fairly easy software to use. It has allowed us to easily begin editing our video and getting it on track to being done. Our video is due by Friday, however, we anticipate to have all final touches done by Thursday.

Progress Blog #5

Over the weekend, my groupmate Valerid and I did not film anymore. As opposed to filming, Valerid and I discussed some of the future plans and details we have in mind for our final task. This included considering music and sound that would play within the back of the video. During scenes of panic, we plan to play fast-paced, deep music that will cause an unnerving sensation to reflect the scene. At the beginning of the video, we will be playing light, fun pop music that will reflect the playful and positive nature of the first few scenes.

Progress Blog #4

Since the weekend, my groupmate Valerid and I have made progress in the editing aspect of our video. As stated in our last blog, this past weekend, we went to our video location and filmed the first four scenes of our video, mostly as a test run. Since then, we have inserted our video clips into our editing software and played with how the beginning of the video would appear. While we are most likely not using these scenes, the practice we obtained from filming them and editing has given us a lot of insight as to what we like and do not like. It has helped us realize where we go wrong in the filming process, and what we will correct when we film again.

Progress Blog #3

This past weekend, my groupmate Valerid and I made progress with our final task. Valerid and I went to the beach and finally began filming, getting four scenes done. The reason we only filmed the first four scenes was to get a better sense of how we would film and get accustomed to it. The first four scenes are very simple, so we decided to film only those scenes that have little to no dialogue. There is a possibility we may refilm these first four scenes, seeing as to how these scenes were mostly a test run.

Progress Blog #2

Since the weekend, my groupmate Valerid and I have still not begun our filming process. While we plan to begin filming this upcoming weekend, Valerid and I have worked diligently on mapping out the filming and editing process for when we finally begin to film this weekend. This included going to the location of where we planned to film and mapping out and discussing each scene. As stated previously, discussing our video scene by scene allowed us to realize what would and would not work, furthering our plans for our video. By discussing our video at the actual location of filming, we were enhancing the filming process we will soon begin this weekend.

Progress Blog #1

This weekend, my groupmate Valerid and I moved forward in the process of filming our final task. While we did not begin filming, we did, however, go to our planned location of filming and ensured it was the location we wanted and that was best. In addition, we physically acted out our scenes, deciding who in our video would do what, where, and how they could do it. Physically going to our filming location was very helpful because it allowed Valerid and I to finalize what would happen in multiple scenes, and come up with new ideas to make our video better. We anticipate beginning the filming process this upcoming weekend.

Planning Powerpoint 2

For this assignment, my groupmate Valerid and I were asked to continue our planning for our Final Task. To move forward in the planning process, Valerid and I made a powerpoint that explained multiple factors of the filming and editing process, but primarily, the filming process. This includes the planning of our title sequence, sounds in our opening (both diegetic and non-diegetic), location, and healthy/safety precautions we will take when filming. It is vital to our filming process that these concepts are planned so that we can ensure a smooth filming process. With these concepts in mind, we move further along in progress for our Final Task.

Planning Powerpoint 2 new